Women's Ministry The women enjoy a number of ministries:
Women's Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study: (The second Saturday of the month, 9:00 am in the fellowship hall at the church) The Women's Prayer Breakfast is a wonderful time of fellowship, hot breakfast, and a time of Bible study, led by Fran. Following the Bible study, there is an Arts & Crafts session, led by Fran Stadler, for those who wish to participate. Women on Misssion: (Every second Thursday of the month, at 10:00 am) This meeting/lesson is held at the church or out doing a ministry. The goal of this ministry is to share opportunities to serve in the community. |
Men's MinistryMen's Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study: (The first Saturday of the month, at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall of the church) The Men's Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study is a wonderful time of fellowship, a hot breakfast (provided by a different Sunday School class each mont), and a time of Bible study, led by Pastor Don .
Bible StudyThe church as a number of opportunities for any memeber of the church to participate in Bible Study.
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: (Every Wednesday at 6:30 at the church) This is an indepth Bible study led by Pastor Don. It is a time where we take as long as needed to share the prayer concerns of the church and then pray for those concerns. Then we open God's Word to find a lesson for us today. These studies will go verse by verse through a book and we discover how alive God's Word is for us today. We are currently studying in the Book of Ephesians. Lunch Bunch: (Every Tuesday at noon at the church) This is a time that the church gathers and brings a bag lunch and then after a time of fellowship and eating, open the word of God for a Bible Study, led by Don Thomas, one of our Sunday School Teachers. |
Sunday SchoolSunday school happens on Sunday Morning at 9:45 am
There are classes for all ages: